Eid 2014


Ay guys! Happy eid mubarak! Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir Batin! Of course it's a bit late who cares I'm going to write anyway.. So how's raya? Well, I'm not sure
 Theme yes theme. This year, we're going with turqoise, the green one not blue one. And guess what it ended up being rainbow, me and mina with turqoise, blue for my brother and dad, yellow for my little brother, and black for my other little brother. Seeee it's freakin rainbow! Turquiose my butt. There's a reason for this rainbow theme, well, bcs the freakin lazy taylor tak siapkan pun baju melayu for my brothers. My grandma dah hantar like four freakin months ago but still duh buat aku marah mlm raya je kot. Here's some photos on syawal day one hehhek takda gmbar family since everyone is gila babi busy pagi raya sebab rumah kena serang beramai ramai


Day two, me and mina went with peach hihi not that much of photos bcs takda masa nak begambar.Anddd, I know my face is oily and all since I don't apply any make up except for eyeliner and I put on my contact lens(for a better vision) duh

 Day threee. Aku guna baju lepas je sebab plan nak guna dress tp memandangkan panas terik yg teramat and dress tu gila tebal so I decide to wear last years kurung. Not that great but yea.

Day four, I'm on my dress. Blue one. I think day four was the reeeeaaaal raya since I've been out the whole freakin day with my uncle and aunt and also pikah. At first, I was with my grandma then I decided to stay at my aunts house then we went to rajang then jerijeh and belawai I went home about 10pm. Here some not good quality photos of us. Ahh I should really buy a dslr for next years raya inshaAllah

  Day five was the lamest raya ever so nothing to brag at hahaha And that's all for this raya entry will be update soon(the next nine month) and have a bless raya maaf zahir dan batin x

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